Contributing to These Docs

Help us write better documentation.

Our docs are served from: This is kindly offered by Netlify. We are not using a custom domain yet.

The docs are built with Hugo. The sources are hosted in the Enduro repository:, under the website directory.

We’re using the Docsy theme. Its website has relevant documentation on how to add contents to a project like ours.

Submit a pull request when your changes are ready. You will see a number of GitHub checks that need to pass. The netlify/enduroproject/deploy-preview check includes a link with a live preview of the docs including your changes.

You can serve the docs locally which is the best option during your editing workflow. With Hugo installed, change to the website directory and run:

hugo serve

The site is now available at http://localhost:1313. The site is updated automatically when you make changes to the sources.

Last modified May 1, 2024: Link localhost URLs (ac1c088)