
Configuration options available in Enduro.


Enduro is configured via the enduro.toml configuration file which uses TOML, a well-known file format for configuration files.

The default search paths are /etc/enduro.toml, $HOME/.config/enduro.toml, and the current directory. Additionally, users can indicate the configuration file using the optional argument --config=example.toml.

This is work in progress.



Main configuration attributes that do not belong to a specific section.

verbosity (Int)

Chattiness of log operations. 0 is the default and best for production.

E.g.: 0

debug (Bool)

When enabled, the application logger will be configured with a human-readable format and a colored log record formatter.

E.g.: false

debugListen (String)

Address of the debugging HTTP server including Prometheus metrics and profiling data.

E.g.: ""


Telemetry configuration details.


Tracing configuration.

For example:

enabled = false
address = ""
ratio = 1.0

enabled (Bool)

When enabled, traces will be delivered to the tracing data collector. It is disabled by default.

E.g.: false

address (String)

Address of the OpenTelemetry tracing data collector (gRPC), e.g. Grafana Agent or OpenTelemetry Collector.

E.g.: ""

ratio (Float64)

Sampling ratio. A sampling ratio of 0.25 means that, on average, one out of every four traces will be sampled. The default is to sample every transfer.

E.g.: 0.25


Not available yet.


Connection details with the Temporal server.

namespace (String)

Name of the Temporal namespace used by this application.

E.g.: "enduro"

address (String)

Address of the Temporal front-end server.

E.g.: ""


Configuration of the Enduro API server.

listen (String)

Address of the Enduro API server.

E.g.: ""

debug (Boolean)

When enabled, the logger used in the API layer will produce log entries with detailed information about incoming requests and outgoing responses, headers, parameters and bodies.

E.g.: false


Database connection details.

dsn (String)

Connection details using the Data Source Name format.

E.g.: enduro:enduro123@tcp(


Watchers monitor data sources like filesystems or S3 buckets to process new objects.


The following watcher monitors the filesystem:


# Name of the watcher.
name = "dev-fs"

# Monitoring path.
path = "./hack/watched-dir"

# Use of the inotify API for efficiency - not always available.
inotify = true

# Defined elsewhere, this is the name of the Archivematica pipeline used.
pipeline = "am"

# Wait for 11 seconds before removing the object from the filesystem.
retentionPeriod = "11s"

# Ignore new filesystem entries matching the following pattern.
ignore = '(^\.gitkeep)|(^*\.mft)$'

# Omit the top-level directory of the transfer after extraction.
stripTopLevelDir = true

# Reject transfers with duplicate transfer names.
rejectDuplicates = false

# Exclude hidden files from transfer.
excludeHiddenFiles = false

# Archivematica transfer type.
transferType = "standard"

Namely, it monitors the watched-dir directory. It uses the inotify API for better efficiency. New objects will be processed using the am pipeline, defined elsewhere in the configuration document. The workflow will wait for eleven seconds before the original object is removed from the filesystem. After extraction, the top-level directory will be omitted.

retentionPeriod (String)

Specifies the duration for which a transfer will be retained before removal. This attribute is mutually exclusive with completedDir. If undefined, the transfer is not removed. If set to ‘0s’, the transfer is removed immediately. This option is undefined by default, meaning the transfer will not be removed unless specified otherwise.

The string should be constructed as a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “30m”, “24h” or “2h30m”. Valid time units are “ns”, “us” (or “µs”), “ms”, “s”, “m”, “h”.

E.g.: "10m"

rejectDuplicates (Boolean)

When enabled, the workflow will execute a check on the internal database for successfully completed transfers with the same transfer name as the currently processing package. If it finds a duplicate the transfer will fail.

E.g.: false

excludeHiddenFiles (Boolean)

When enabled, the workflow will exclude hidden files from the transfer.

E.g.: false

transferType (String)

Archivematica submission transfer type.

The string should be one of the following: “standard”, “zipfile”, “unzipped bag”, “zipped bag”, “dspace”, “maildir”, “TRIM” or “dataverse”.

E.g.: "standard"

completedDir (String)

The path where transfers are moved into when processing has completed successfully. Not available in other type of watchers. It is mutually exclusive with retentionPeriod.

E.g.: "/mnt/landfill"

ignore (String)

A regular expression or search pattern that can be used to ignore new files or directories identified by the filesystem watcher. Its main purpose is to provide a mechanism to avoid launching the processing workflow for new entries that may not be fully transferred by the time that they’re identified.

For example, when transferring a directory, the watcher will likely start the processing workflow before all the contents are fully transferred. Using a pattern like '^*\.ignored$' allows for transferring a directory (e.g. sample-transfer.ignored) that will not be processed by the system until the user renames it to have the .ignored suffix removed.

The expressions must use the RE2 syntax.

E.g.: '^*\.ignored$'

pipeline (String | Array(String))

The name of the pipeline to be used during processing. If undefined, one will be chosen randomly from the list of existing pipelines configured. If an Array is provided, the name will be chosen randomly from its values.

E.g.: "am", ["am1", "am2"]


The following monitor watches a MinIO bucket:


# Name of the watcher.
name = "dev-minio"

# Redis server and list used by MinIO to deliver events.
redisAddress = "redis://"
redisList = "minio-events"

# MinIO server endpoint and other connection details, e.g. name of the bucket.
endpoint = ""
pathStyle = true
key = "minio"
secret = "minio123"
region = "us-west-1"
bucket = "sips"

# Defined elsewhere, this is the name of the Archivematica pipeline used.
pipeline = "am"

# Wait for 10 seconds before removing the object from the bucket.
retentionPeriod = "10s"

# Omit the top-level directory of the transfer after extraction.
stripTopLevelDir = true

# Reject transfers with duplicate transfer names.
rejectDuplicates = false

# Exclude hidden files from transfer.
excludeHiddenFiles = false

# Archivematica transfer type.
transferType = "standard"

MinIO will deliver new events to us via a Redis instance at redis:// using a list named minio-events. When a new event is received, the object will be downloaded from, the MinIO server, using path-style URLs and region us-west-1, bucket sips. Attributes key and secret are for authentication. After extraction of the object, the top-level directory will be omitted. All objects will be processed using the am pipeline.

retentionPeriod (String)

Specifies the duration for which a transfer will be retained before removal. This attribute is mutually exclusive with completedDir. If undefined, the transfer is not removed. If set to ‘0s’, the transfer is removed immediately. This option is undefined by default, meaning the transfer will not be removed unless specified otherwise.

The string should be constructed as a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “30m”, “24h” or “2h30m”. Valid time units are “ns”, “us” (or “µs”), “ms”, “s”, “m”, “h”.

E.g.: "10m"

rejectDuplicates (Boolean)

When enabled, the workflow will execute a check on the internal database for succesfully completed transfers with the same transfer name as the currently processing package. If it finds a duplicate the transfer will fail.

E.g.: false

excludeHiddenFiles (Boolean)

When enabled, the workflow will exclude hidden files from the transfer.

E.g.: false

transferType (String)

Archivematica submission transfer type.

The string should be one of the following: “standard”, “zipfile”, “unzipped bag”, “zipped bag”, “dspace”, “maildir”, “TRIM” or “dataverse”

E.g.: standard

pipeline (String | Array(String))

The name of the pipeline to be used during processing. If undefined, one will be chosen randomly from the list of existing pipelines configured. If an Array is provided, the name will be chosen randomly from its values.

E.g.: "am", ["am1", "am2"]


Used to define Archivematica pipelines. For example:

name = "am"
baseURL = ""
user = "test"
key = "test"
transferDir = "~/.am/ss-location-data"
processingDir = ""
processingConfig = "automated"
transferLocationID = "88f6b517-c0cc-411b-8abf-79544ce96f54"
storageServiceURL = "http://test:test@"
capacity = 3
retryDeadline = "10m"
transferDeadline = "24h"
unbag = false

name (String)

Internal name of the Archivematica pipeline. It is used by watchers to indicate the pipeline destination.

E.g.: "am"

baseURL (String)

Base URL of the Archivematica web server.

E.g.: ""

user (String)

Archivematica user.

E.g.: "test"

key (String)

Archivematica API key.

E.g.: "test"

transferDir (String)

Path of the transfer source directory (must be locally accessible).

E.g.: "~/.am/ss-location-data"

processingDir (String)

Enduro internal processing directory. Leave empty if unsure.

E.g.: ""


Name of the processing configuration to be used when starting a transfer.

E.g.: "automated"


Identifier of the Transfer Source Location (Storage Service). Optional.

E.g.: "88f6b517-c0cc-411b-8abf-79544ce96f54"


URL of the Archivematica Storage Service. It must include the username and API key in the URL-encoded format suggested below.

E.g.: "http://test:test@"

capacity (Integer)

The number of active workflows using this pipeline. Enduro attempts to control the number of concurrent workflows that interact with a pipeline at any given time.

E.g.: 3.

retryDeadline (String)

If present, it sets the amount of time that Enduro waits before abandoning a transfer when the Archivematica API is returning potentially transient errors repeatedly, e.g., HTTP 5xx server errors or network connectivity errors.

E.g.: "10m".

transferDeadline (String)

If present, transfers in this pipeline will be automatically abandoned when the deadline is exceeded, causing the workflow to complete with an error. It yields the pipeline slot.

The string should be constructed as a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “30m”, “24h” or “2h30m”. Valid time units are “ns”, “us” (or “µs”), “ms”, “s”, “m”, “h”.

E.g.: 24h (String)

unbag (Boolean)

If enabled, bagged transfers will be unbagged.

E.g.: false


checksumsCheckEnabled (String)

If enabled, this validator will stop the workflow with an error if the transfer does not include a document with checksums, e.g. checksum.sha1.

E.g.: false

Configuration example


# This is the configuration file valid for the development environment.

verbosity = 2
debug = true
debugListen = ""

enabled = false
address = ""
ratio = 1.0

namespace = "default"
address = ""
taskQueue = "global"

listen = ""
debug = false

dsn = "enduro:enduro123@tcp("

name = "dev-minio"
redisAddress = "redis://"
redisList = "minio-events"
endpoint = ""
pathStyle = true
key = "minio"
secret = "minio123"
region = "us-west-1"
bucket = "sips"
pipeline = "am"
retentionPeriod = "10s"
stripTopLevelDir = true
rejectDuplicates = false
excludeHiddenFiles = false
transferType = "standard"

name = "dev-fs"
path = "./hack/watched-dir"
inotify = false
pipeline = "am"
completedDir = "./hack/landfill"
ignore = '(^\.gitkeep)|(^*\.mft)$'
stripTopLevelDir = true
rejectDuplicates = false
excludeHiddenFiles = false
transferType = "standard"

name = "am"
baseURL = ""
user = "test"
key = "test"
transferDir = "~/.am/ss-location-data"
processingDir = ""
processingConfig = "automated"
# transferLocationID = "88f6b517-c0cc-411b-8abf-79544ce96f54"
storageServiceURL = "http://test:test@"
capacity = 3
retryDeadline = "10m"
transferDeadline = "24h"
unbag = false

checksumsCheckEnabled = false

baseURL = "" # E.g.: ""
mock = true
disabled = true

receiptPath = "./hack/production-system-interface"
disabled = true

processNameMetadata = false
Last modified September 15, 2023: Clarify retentionPeriod docs (7a21676)